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Townland Clusters – a tool for unearthing women’s history. In the timeline which I have cobbled together beneath, clusters of holdings which Abigail JACKSON (1683-1763) held in Dublin, Cavan, Meath and Monaghan, were mentioned in her January 5, 1737 marriage settlement (see beneath for my notes on it), echoed the holdings listed in the will of Samuel JACKSON (1705).  Her marriage memorial was recorded 31 years after the death of her uncle Samuel JACKSON of Dublin when she was 54 years old and her (second) husband Oliver CROFTON (1710-1780) was 27 years old.
Posted: Sharon Oddie Brown. March 22, 2025



Townland Clusters – a tool for unearthing women’s history


Tracking clusters of townlands can often shed light on family connections, especially when it comes to the lives of land-owning women in the 1700-1800s. Some of the reasons:


  1. Although women’s surnames changed when they married, details mentioned in clusters of leased lands can connect to surnames of their birth family – even when such leases are recorded under their married name.
  2. Wives, cousins, brothers and sisters often inherited parts of a cluster of leased lands, for example a ¼ share, or a 1/3rd share. Check out who got the other parts of the cluster.
  3. Obscure nieces and nephews and other distant relations often inherited the family land, or at least portions of it after the death of an original grantor who had no issue,.
  4. Tracking what percentage of the townland each relation held can indicate how many other family members you should look out for.
  5. Portions of clusters often got passed on intact for several subsequent generations. Although one townland may have been sold off and/or another one get added, there was often enough of the original cluster to be able to deduce the intergenerational pattern.
  6. Sometimes male recipients of bequests changed their surname as part of a requirement to inherit the land. Clusters of leases can indicate the earlier birth family surname.
  7. When townland names were recorded over many decades and centuries, they had many spelling variations. If just one or two of the older names in a cluster of townlands can be connected to links with the current spelling, we can find the name of the parish which can then lead to decoding other townland names - often in the same or adjacent parish.


In the timeline which I have cobbled together beneath, clusters of holdings which Abigail JACKSON (1683-1763) held in Dublin, Cavan, Meath and Monaghan, were mentioned in her January 5, 1737 marriage settlement (see beneath for my notes on it), echoed the holdings listed in the will of Samuel JACKSON (1705).  Her marriage memorial was recorded 31 years after the death of her uncle Samuel JACKSON of Dublin when she was 54 years old and her (second) husband Oliver CROFTON (1710-1780) was 27 years old. Interesting.


Given the imbalance of financial power between men and women at that time, it is intriguing that Oliver CROFTON did not retain title to Abigail’s pre-marital holdings after her death. Instead, they ended up with members of the NORTH family of Lancashire and Westmorland. As one can see in the timeline beneath, Samuel JACKSON’s assets went first to her older brothers, and then ended up after her death in the hands of her NORTH family cousins. NOTE: I have inserted townland links where possible, as well as dates for those births, marriages and deaths which shaped the direction and redirection of the intergenerational flow of family assets.


SOME SOURCES from my blog and website:



·         1628 Sept 4. Birth of William JACKSON, eldest brother of Samuel JACKSON

·         1640 Oct Birth of Nathaniel JACKSON, father of Abigail JACKSON, brother of Samuel JACKSON

·         1641 Birth of Samuel JACKSON, uncle of Abigail JACKSON.

·         Abt 1650: Birth of Jennet NORTH (née JACKSON), wife of Oliver NORTH

·         Abt 1650 Birth of Rev. Leonard JACKSON (1650-1726), half-brother of Samuel JACKSON, son of Jane CARTER & Rev. Richard JACKSON.

·         1683 Birth of Abigail JACKSON

·         1688 July 24 Death of William JACKSON, eldest brother of Samuel JACKSON

·         BTW 1687-1695 Death of Jennet JACKSON, wife of Oliver NORTH. She was a daughter of Rev Richard JACKSON and Jane CARTER, and a half-sister of Samuel JACKSON. She was a full sister of Nathaniel JACKSON, and therefore an aunt of Abigail and NOTE: The descendants of Oliver NORTH eventually ended up with land first leased by Samuel JACKSON.

·         1690 Birth of Rev. Robert JACKSON (1690-1733) brother of Abigail JACKSON, son of Nathaniel JACKSON.

  • 1698 Death of Nathaniel JACKSON, father of Abigail. NOTE: His will is at the Archives in Gloucestershire, but since it is delicate, and significantly damaged, it cannot be viewed.
  • 1705 1705 Will of Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706). NOTE:

PROPERTIES mentioned in Samuel JACKSON will which were also mentioned in Abigail’s 1737 marriage settlement:

All that her [Abigail JACKSON’s] moiety share and proportion of the Lands of Castletownmore [Castletownmoor] Ardlenan [Ardlonan, Parish Kilbeg] Drishock [aka Farranalcock Farranalcock, Parish of Kilbeg, in the Barony of Lower Kells] Marvelstown [Marvelstown, Parish of Kilbeg, Barony Lower Kells, Co.Meath] Drakerath [Drakerath, Parish of Staholmog], Reisk [Reask, Parish Emlagh, Barony Lower Kells],] 25 acres in the Island of Conlogh [??] in Co. Meath:

  • Castletownmoor: Townland total: 450 acres, 2 roods, 28 perches
  • Marvelstown: Townland total: 272 acres, 1 rood, 28 perches
  • Drakerath: Townland total: 931 acres, 0 roods, 3 perches
  • Reask,: Townland total: 90 acres, 0 roods, 29 perches
  • Island of Conlogh [??]
  • TOTAL: About 1,743a NOTE: Samuel JACKSON held only shares of these townlands.


5 tates of lands called Lattin [Latton, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Dromod [Drumod, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Money [Money, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Meaghan [aka Maghon, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] and Dromconar [Drumcanon, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne]] in the Barony of Cremornean [aka Cremorne] Co Monaghan

  • Latton; Townland total: 334 acres
  • Drumod: Townland total: 418 acres
  • Money: Townland total: 227 acres
  • Maghon: Townland total: 512 acres
  • Drumcanon: Townland total: 326 acres
  • TOTAL: Abt 1,817a in these townlands.


the town and lands and Poles of land  commonly called by the name of Lisgraa [Lisgrea, Parish Lurgan, Barony Castlerahan] Drumgolan [Drumagolan, Parish Killinkere, Barony Castlerahan] and Bracklany [Brackloney, Parish Castlerahan, Barony Castlerahan] in the Barony of Castlerahan and Co Cavan

  • Lisgrea; Townland total: 391 acres
  • Drumagolan; Townland total: 517 acres
  • Brackloney; Townland total: 233 acres
  • TOTAL: Abt 1,141a in these townlands.


40 acres in Colemanstown [Colmanstown, Parish Newcastle, Barony Newcastle] and 100 acres in Knightstown [Knightstown, Parish Lusk, Barony Balrothery East] and Ballinclea als Ballinclea [Ballinclea, Parish Kill, Barony Rathdown] in Co Dublin

  • Colmanstown; Townland total: 187 acres
  • Knightstown; Townland total: 186 acres
  • Ballinclea; Townland total: 78 acres
  • TOTAL: 451a in these townlands. NOTE: In this 1737 document, Abigail only 140a of these lands is mentioned.


  • 1706 January 19th Death of Samuel JACKSON. Most likely sans issue. NOTE: A fun but possibly irrelevant tidbit: Benjamin Franklin, who was born three days later, would later meet up and work with Richard “Omniscient” JACKSON (1720-1787) in Paris. That’s a story for later.
  • 1706 January 19th Death of Susan JACKSON née BERESFORD, wife of William JACKSON (1628-1688). She died in the home of her brother-in-law Samuel JACKSON and on the same day. Two of her children inherited may have inherited land, but it is more likely that the Richard and Willim JACKSON who received bequests were sons of Nathanial JACKSON, not the Richard & William sons of Susan Beresford.
  • 1723. Death of Oliver NORTH, Husband of Jennet JACKSON, Aunt of Abigail. Oliver and Jennet had a son Richard NORTH (1684-1773), who then had a son Oliver NORTH (1712-1761) – the pathway to NORTH inheritances of JACKSON lands. Both Oliver & Jennet predeceased Abigail JACKSON.
  • 1726 June 1726 Nov 5th Will of Leonard JACKSON.
    • Rev. Leonard JACKSON, brother of Samuel JACKSON and rector of Tatham had a son Richard JACKSON, but he had predeceased his father and likely had no issue.
    • Rev. Leonard’s will bequeathed all his lands, including ones which had first been bequeathed by Samuel JACKSON, to his nephew Rev. Robert JACKSON (1690-1733), who then became Rector of Tatham. Rev. Robert was a brother of Abigail JACKSON and about seven years her junior.
      • Item I give bequeath and devise All that my Messuage tenement and hereditaments with the Appurtenances lying and being in the parish of Whittington aforesaid And also all my houses lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever lying and being with in the liberties and territories of Kirby Lonsdale unto my nephew Robert Jackson and to his heirs and assigns for ever. Item I give bequeath and devise All the rest of my lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever and all the rest of my goods [Cattalls?] Chattels and personal Estate whatsoever both in this Kingdom and the Kingdom of Ireland unto my said nephew Robert Jackson his heirs and assigns forever and I do hereby Nominate Constitute And Appoint him my said Nephew Robert Jackson sole executor of this my last will and Testament hoping that he will faithfully and punctually fulfill the same.
  • 1729 William JACKSON (1705-1729), one of Abigail JACKSON’s brothers, died Sans issue. The Irish lands which he had been bequeathed in Samuel’s will included Cavan, Monaghan, Dublin and Meath: Also estate of Clifford [NOTE: Clifford is 13 miles NE of Leeds] in Yorkshire bought from Wm Withers [possibly The Rev. William WITHERS (?-1737) was the Vicar of Tunstall near Kirkby Lonsdale]  to my nephew William Jackson son of my Brother Nathanial Jackson of Leeds in Yorkshire decd. & his issue male.


·         1729 Jun 21 Image 99 Deed: 61-155-40941Rev. Robert JACKSON of Tatham of Co Lancaster in Kingdom of Great Britain of 1 pt & Thomas MEREDYTH of Newtown, Co. Meath…. Transfer of land called Reisk [aka Reask, Parish Emlagh, Barony Lower Kells] 50 A bordering on Carlanstowne [Carlanstown, also 25a in Island of Emloguh [Emlagh Parish Emlagh, Barony Lower Kells],  together with bog and all appurtenances for term of 31 years at rent of 40 pounds. WITNESS: Francis NORTH of City of Dublin & Wm FORSTER clk to NORTH..

  • 1733 Death of Rev. Robert JACKSON (1690-1733) brother of Abigail JACKSON, son of Nathaniel JACKSON. He was buried at Tatham Jan 1, 1734, so likely died in December, 1733.
  • 1733/4 Jan 21 Probate of Rev. Robert JACKSON. Sans Issue. Before his death, Rev. Robert Jackson had added £1,000 worth of lands in Newtown to his net worth (Newtown Lancashire or Newtown Co. Meath?). NOTE: His sister Abigail of Tatham was his executor and had likely been residing at the vicarage with him after her husband William BUCKLEY’s death. In his list of Goods and Chattels, are listed barns at Thornton, Burton, and Newton and houses at both Kirby Lonsdale and Clifford.



·         1734 Mar 19 Recited in 1740 May 20 ROD 98-390-68858. Image 222 PIPPARD-IRWIN. Henry PIPPARD of Drogheda  administrator of George PIPPARD of Drogheda deceased  of 1st part & John PIPPARD of Castletownmore [Castletownmoor, Parish Staholmog, Barony Lower Kells] of Co of Meath of 2nd & Alexander ERWIN [als IRWIN in same document] of City of Dublin of 3rd pt & reciting that Jane JACKSON spinster and Abigail BUCKLEY als JACKSON widow sisters and heirs at law of Rev Robert  JACKSON formerly of Fathan [sic Tatham] Co Lancashire did by deed dated 19 Mar 1734 demise to John PIPPARD… town & lands of Castletownmoore. WITNESS: Henry HUMFREY clerk to George MOORE of City of Dublin & said George MOORE.

·         1735 Mar 26. ROD 80-206-55536: Castletownmoor  Image 396 Whereby Jane JACKSON & Abigail BUCKLEY als JACKSON sister and heirs at law of the Rev. Robert JACKSON formerly of Tatham in Lancashire ... set to John PIPPARD of Castletownmoor [Castletownmoor, Parish of Staholmog, in the Barony of Lower Kells] in Co. Meath Esq. Lands of Castletownmoor… all the lands of Castletownmoore. in as full and ample a manner as these premises were held and enjoyed by Matthew BARNWELL Esq. former tenant to these lands… to hold to John PIPPARD for lease of 26 years for yearly rent of £80. WITNESS: Charles HIGGINS of City of Dublin Gent John THOMPSON of City of Dublin & Thomas LAMB of City of Dublin. Signed & sealed by Jane JACKSONNOTE: Rev. Robert JACKSON (1690-1733) of Tatham, Lancashire & Jane JACKSON (aft 1671-aft1741) & Abigail JACKSON (1683-1763) were all children of Nathaniel JACKSON (1640-1698), a half-brother of: Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706).

·         1836 Feb 7 ROD: 1836-3-13. Image 417 BTW Richard Toulmin NORTH of Thurland County of Lancaster  England Esquire of the one part and John GERRARD of Gilestown [NOTE: There are 4 townlands named Gillston in Co. Meath] Co. Meath Esq. of the other part For the Consideration therein mentioned Richard Toulmin NORTH confirmed unto the said John GERRARD in his actual possession then being by virtue of a bargain and sale therein rented and to his heirs and assigns the towns and Lands of Castletown mare otherwise Castletown Moore [Castletownmoor, Parish Staholmog, Barony Lower Kells] and Reisk otherwise Reake otherwise Revoke [aka Reask, Parish Emlagh, Barony Lower Kells] or by whatever other names the Land hereditaments and premises or my have hereof then were or thereto fore had been known called or Denominded situate lying and being Parishes of Barony of Lower Kellsand County of Meath Containing by estima 275a 3r 25p profitable said Irish Plantation measure be the same more or less with the appurtenances to hold unto the said John GERRARD his heirs and assigns for ever and which said deed contains the usual covenants for peaceable enjoyment WITNESS:  Henry FOSTER and John Arthur HUNTER City of Dublin Solicitors Richard Toulmin NORTH [SEAL] WITNESS: William Henry Jackson 142 Mecklenburgh Street

·         1737 Jan 5 ROD: 91-158-63780: [marriage agreement for Abigail JACKSON’s 2nd marriage]. Image 100. Deed of lease and release, a sexpartite deed bearing date and perfected the 5th and 6th day of January 1737 between Oliver CROFTON of Lissanarrow [possibly Lissanarhoor, Parish Galbally, Barony Coshlea – he also lived at Galbally, Parish Galbally, Barony Coshlea]  Co. Limerick Esq. of the 1st pt; Abigail BUCKLEY als JACKSON of the City of Dublin and relict of William BUCKLEY late of Buckley in Co Lancaster England Esq deceased of the 2nd pt; Jane JACKSON sister of the said Abigail of the 3rd pt; Thomas COOK of Castle Cook [Castlecook, Parish Macroney, Barony Condons and Clangibbon ] Co. Cork and Edward ARMSTRONG of Kiloolyan [?] Kings Co Esq of the  4th pt; Hugh BOYD of Ballycastle [in Town Parks, Parish Ramoan, Barony Cary] Co Antrim Esq & Warneford ARMSTRONG in Clara [Parish Kilbride, Barony Kilcoursey] in Kings Co of the 5th.; and the Hon Michael EVARD one of his Majesties Justices  of the Court of Kings bench and the said Hugh BOYD of the 6th pt. Reciting that whereas a marriage was intended to be held and solemnized between the said Oliver CROFTON and Abigail BUCKLEY and that whereas the said Abigail BUCKLEY was seized in fee of and in certain Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in said indenture mentioned situate in the Kingdom of England and that the said Abigail was also seized and Intitled to a Jointure for her life out of the estate of William BUCKLEY in said Kingdom of England and that whereas the said Abigail BUCKLEY and Jane JACKSON were seized in Fee as Coparcener of and in certain tenements and hereditaments in Kingdom of Ireland in said indenture mentioned and Oliver CROFTON was also seized of an estate in Fee simple… in consideration for £500 paid to him out of the personal estate of  Abigail BUCKLEY… sum of 10 shillings paid to Thomas COOK and Edward ARMSTRONG [Towns and Lands of Carry Iherney als CarrowIherny [?] Currah Ewans als Carnecewans [?] now called upper and Lower Barnacarrowkeel Garranalany als Garrantany [?]  Two thirds of Philscanlan [?] as Sett to him the said Oliver CROFTON by the partition lately made between him and the Right Honble St Edward CROFTON Baronet set to Oliver CROFTON by the partition] .. and whereby the said Abigail BUCKLEY in consideration of the said marriage in performance of her part of the said marriage agreement and for the provision made for her and for the issue of her marriage…. All that her moiety share and proportion of the Lands of Castletownmore [Castletownmoor] Ardlenan [Ardlonan, Parish Kilbeg] Drishock [aka Farranalcock] Marvelstown [Marvelstown,] Drakerath [Drakerath, Parish of Staholmog], Reisk [Reask, Parish of Emlagh] 25 acres in the Island of Conlogh [??] in Co. Meath 5 tates of lands called Lattin [Latton, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Dromod [Drumod, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Money [Money, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Meaghan [aka Maghon, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] and Dromconar [Drumcanon, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne]] in the Barony of Cremornean [aka Cremorne] Co Monaghan the town and lands and Poles of land  commonly called by the name of Lisgraa [Lisgrea, Parish Lurgan, Barony Castlerahan] Drumgolan [Drumagolan, Parish Killinkere, Barony Castlerahan] and Bracklany [Brackloney, Parish Castlerahan, Barony Castlerahan] in the Barony of Castlerahan and Co Cavan 40 acres in Colemanstown [Colmanstown, Parish Newcastle, Barony Newcastle] and 100 acres in Knightstown [Knightstown, Parish Lusk, Barony Balrothery East] and Ballinclea als Ballinclea [Ballinclea, Parish Kill, Barony Rathdown] in Co Dublin and all her other lands tenements and Hereditaments in the Kingdom of Ireland and all the profits advantages and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions and Remainder and Rems Yearly and other Rents Issues and profit of all the said premises…. And whereby said Jane JACKSON for the settling and securing the lands of Inheritance in her family and Blood and in consideration of the several Remembrances in said Indenture limited to her [it seems that COOK & ARMSTRONG set up a trust for the sisters].. WITNESSES: John BURROWS and William SMYTH. NOTE: Col Hugh BOYD (1690-1765) of Ballycastle was a brother of Elizabeth BOYD (?-aft 1722), the mother of Richard JACKSON (1722-1787) of Forkhill.

·         1738 Dec 9: Birth of Miles NORTH Esq, (1738-1795)

·         1740 May 20 ROD 98-390-68858. Image 222 PIPPARD-IRWIN. Henry PIPPARD of Drogheda  administrator of George PIPPARD of Drogheda deceased  of 1st part & John PIPPARD of Castletownmore [Castletownmoor, Parish Staholmog, Barony Lower Kells] of Co of Meath of 2nd & Alexander ERWIN [als IRWIN in same document] of City of Dublin of 3rd pt & reciting that Jane JACKSON spinster and Abigail BUCKLEY als JACKSON widow sisters and heirs at law of Rev Robert  JACKSON formerly of Fathan [sic Tatham] Co Lancashire did by deed dated 19 Mar 1734 demise to John PIPPARD… town & lands of Castletownmoore. WITNESS: Henry HUMFREY clerk to George MOORE of City of Dublin & said George MOORE.

·         AFT 1741 Death Jane JACKSON, sister of Abigail JACKSON

  • 1744 Jan 28. ROD 119 19 80568 Image 325. Between Robert CALLAGHAN late of the City of Dublin & now of Shanbally Co. Tipperary Esq . of the first part Oliver CROFTON of Lissanaro Co. Limerick Esqr of ye second part & Cornelius CALLAGHAN of the City of Dublin Esqr of the third part whereby the said Robt Callaghan for the consider therein ment did grant bargain & sell unto the sd Oliver Crofton all that & those the towns Lands of Lissanarrow otherwise Lisanaro [Lissanarhoor, Parish Galbally, Barony Coshlea], Cutraghdine & Gurtikislane Ardnamoher [probably Ardnamonee, Parish Galbally, Barony Coshlea] otherwise Geranes & Ballyem alss Ballyena [probably Ballygeana, Parish Galbally, Barony Coshlea], Scituate lying & being in the parish of Galbally Barony of Costlea Limerick with the appurs To Hold to the said Oliver CROFTON his heirs & assigns for ever WITNESS Henry GLASCOCK & Walter GOOLD both of the City of Dublin Gent & this mem is witnessed by these Henry GLASCOCK & Robt LEWIS of the City of Dublin Gent Oliver CROFTON [SEAL] NOTE: This is 7 years after marriage Oliver CROFTON’s marriage to Abigail JACKSON
  • 1745 Aug 5 recited in 1764 Mar 6 ROD 228 137 149686 AI Version Oliver CROFTON Abigail Image 70 BTW William COX of Castlebar Co Mayo Gent and Elizabeth COX otherwise BETSON his wife of the one part & Michael CHARLES of Muchlin [Mucklin, Parish ??, Barony Delvin], Co. Westmeath Gent of the other part Reciting that sd Elizabeth COX was Entitled of 1/3rd part of the Moiety of the Land of Killrush [Kilrush Lower, Parish Killua, Barony Delvin, in the County of Westmeath] in Barony Delven Co. Meath aforesd Containing 92a 1r & 13p more or less and reciting that by an Indre of Lease dated the 5 Aug 1745 Sir Oliver CROFTON Bart & Dame Abigall his wife & Jane JACKSON Spinster did Demise & Sett to Thomas COX then of Mount Cashell [Mountcashel, Parish Kilfinaghta, Barony Bunratty Lower] Co Clare Since deced the Town & Lands of Knightstown otherwise Kingston [Knightstown, Parish Lusk, Barony Balrothery East], Containing 121a  3r 29p more or less situate in the Barony Luoch [sic – should be Parish Lusk]  Barony Nethercross & Co of Dublin To hold from the 1st May then last for the Term of 31 years at the yearly Rent of £25 Ster & Reciting that said William COX by Virtue of the Last Will and Testamt of sd Thomas COX his Brother became intitled to said Leasehold premes & for reciting that by Deed of Mr GAGE dated the24 Aug 1758  the sd William COX in Considn of £200 did assign & make over to said Michael CHARLES the aforesd Town & Lands of Knightstown otherwise Kingstown to hold from the first day of May then last during the temt of sd Term of thirty one years by said Lease granted & then unexpired by subject to Redempt on paymt of said £200 and into as therein is ment by which said Deed of Release whereof this is allend the sd William COX & Elizabeth his wife for the better securing the paymt of said sum £200  due by sd Gage and of the further sum of of £150 to them paid by the said Michael CHARLES did sell - Release & confirm unto the said Michael CHARLES all those the aforesd 1/3rd  part of one morety of said Town & Lands of Killrush Containing 92a 1r 13p more or less situate in the Barony Delvin & Co of Westmeath aforesd which said one third with the remaining two thirds are determined to & in the time of Mr Joseph CHARLES with all & & Singular the appurces thereunto belonging or appertainter and all their Estate Right Title & Int in & to the same by virtue of a Lease for Lives Renewable for ever granted … WITNESS: Christian ROEDER lie to Thomas MULLOCK City of Dublin Pub Not Wm Cox [SEAL]
  • 1759 Feb 9 ROD: 310-658-208530 Image 328 Miles NORTH of Whittington in the Parish of Whittingtone Co Lancaster Esq of the 1 pt George CONNOR of Ardlonan Castle [Ardlonan, Parish Kilbeg, Barony Lower Kells], Co Meath Esq of the other pt… released Castle town and lands of Ardlonan Castle cont 206 acres est in Barony of Kells, Co. Meath at rent of one peppercorn during the life of George CONNOR, and after his death a yearly rent of £400 during the life of John CONNOR, eldest son. NOTE: Miles NORTH (1738-1795) was the great-grandson of Oliver NORTH & Jennet JACKSON. She inherited this land directly or indirectly from her uncle Samuel JACKSON. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine
  • 1759 May 27 ROD: 321-307-216303 Image 167 BTW Anthony CRUISE of Spiddal [Spiddal , Parish Nobber, Barony Morgallion] Co. Meath Gent of the one part , and Peter DILLON of Mananstown [Mannanstown, Parish Ardcath, Barony Upper Duleek], in the said County Gent of the other part Reciting that whereas the said Anthony CRUISE is under and by virtue of a lease or Demise 26 Apr 1759 by Sir Oliver CROFTON Dame Abigail [née JACKSON]  his wife Intitled to the Lands of Marvillstown [Marvelstown, Parish Kilbeg, Barony Lower Kells, Co.Meath] in the said County of Meath Containing 161a 3r for the term of 31 years from the 25th March then last at the yearly rent of 14s 6d sixpence per acre by which said Indented Deed the said Anthony CRUISE for the Considn therein granted transferred to Peter Dillon the said Recited Lease or Demise as aforesd Said Anthony made by the said for Oliver CROFTON and Dame Abigail his wife to the said Anthony CRUISE of the said lands of Marvillstown in the said County of Meath and all Benefit and Advantage to be had thereby to hold unto the said Peter DILLON his Exors Admors and Assigns from the Day of the Date of said Indented Deed for and During all the rest residue and remainder of the said Term of thirty one years yet to come and unexpired Subject Nevertheless to the provise or condition of Redemption therein particularly mentioned and to the Several other clauses and covenants therein also contained WITNESS: Richard HENRY of the City of Dublin Esqr and Thomas HACKETT of the said City Gent , Anthony CRUISE [SEAL]

·         1763 December Death of Abigail JACKSON: Robert Jackson, nephew to the Rev. Leonard Jackson, Rector of Tatham, received at his uncle’s death in 1726, the  large estates of the Jackson family of Whittington and Kirkby  Lonsdale ; to these he added a purchase of lands in Newton  for £1,000. He dying unmarried and intestate, his property  devolved on his two sisters Jane and Abigail. Jane also died unmarried and intestate and her share passed to her sister  Abigail, who was married twice, viz. first to William Buckley  of Wennington Hall, and secondly to Sir Oliver Crofton, an  Irish baronet. She had no issue by either husband and died  in 1763, when Richard North [1684-1773] of Newton took her estate as  cousin and heir-at-law; he gave it to his grandson, Miles North  of Whittington and Kirkby Lonsdale, who thus became the  owner of large estates, both in England and Ireland, and was able to describe himself as an esquire.

  • 1764 Mar 6 ROD 228 137 149686 AI Version Oliver CROFTON Abigail Image 70 BTW William COX of Castlebar Co Mayo Gent and Elizabeth COX otherwise BETSON his wife of the one part & Michael CHARLES of Muchlin [Mucklin, Parish ??, Barony Delvin], Co. Westmeath Gent of the other part Reciting that sd Elizabeth COX was Entitled of 1/3rd part of the Moiety of the Land of Killrush [Kilrush Lower, Parish Killua, Barony Delvin, in the County of Westmeath] in Barony Delven Co. Meath aforesd Containing 92a 1r & 13p more or less and reciting that by an Indre of Lease dated the 5 Aug 1745 Sir Oliver CROFTON Bart & Dame Abigall his wife & Jane JACKSON Spinster did Demise & Sett to Thomas COX then of Mount Cashell [Mountcashel, Parish Kilfinaghta, Barony Bunratty Lower] Co Clare Since deced the Town & Lands of Knightstown otherwise Kingston [Knightstown, Parish Lusk, Barony Balrothery East], Containing 121a  3r 29p more or less situate in the Barony Luoch [sic – should be Parish Lusk]  Barony Nethercross & Co of Dublin To hold from the 1st May then last for the Term of 31 years at the yearly Rent of £25 Ster & Reciting that said William COX by Virtue of the Last Will and Testamt of sd Thomas COX his Brother became intitled to said Leasehold premes & for reciting that by Deed of Mr GAGE dated the24 Aug 1758  the sd William COX in Considn of £200 did assign & make over to said Michael CHARLES the aforesd Town & Lands of Knightstown otherwise Kingstown to hold from the first day of May then last during the temt of sd Term of thirty one years by said Lease granted & then unexpired by subject to Redempt on paymt of said £200 and into as therein is ment by which said Deed of Release whereof this is allend the sd William COX & Elizabeth his wife for the better securing the paymt of said sum £200  due by sd Gage and of the further sum of of £150 to them paid by the said Michael CHARLES did sell - Release & confirm unto the said Michael CHARLES all those the aforesd 1/3rd  part of one morety of said Town & Lands of Killrush Containing 92a 1r 13p more or less situate in the Barony Delvin & Co of Westmeath aforesd which said one third with the remaining two thirds are determined to & in the time of Mr Joseph CHARLES with all & & Singular the appurces thereunto belonging or appertainter and all their Estate Right Title & Int in & to the same by virtue of a Lease for Lives Renewable for ever granted … WITNESS: Christian ROEDER lie to Thomas MULLOCK City of Dublin Pub Not Wm Cox [SEAL]

·         1766 Sept 22. ROD: 245-543-103002 Image 292 BTW Edmond ARMSTRONG of the City of Dublin Esqr of the one part and Richard NORTH of the Town of Granard in the County of Longford Gent of the other part whereby the said Edmond ARMSTRONG for the Consons therein ment . Demised unto the said Richard NORTH all that farm and commonly called and known by the name of Dogerry otherwise Dogerrybegg [possibly Gradoge, Parish Cloone, Barony Carrigallen There is also a Doogary, Parish of Kildallan, Barony Tullyhunco - just across the border from Leitrim in Co. Cavan]] with its Appurs situate in the parish of Cloon [Parish Cloone] and County of Leitrim and now in the possion of Joseph GAMBLE and partners To hold unto Richard NORTH his Heirs and Ass . for and during the Natl life and Lives of the said Richard NORTH John NORTH his Brother and Catharine NORTH Widow his Mother at the yearly rent of £12 and which Lease was made to the said Joseph GAMBLE and partners by Isabella ARMSTRONG Grand mother to the sd Edmond ARMSTRONG in wh Deed pole or Instrument in writing is a Clause that the said Edmond ARMSTRONG will indemnify and save harmless the said Richard NORTH and his mother and his Heirs and asst from any trouble he she or they may be put to for or on act of a Lease made by motherly NORTH the said Richards Father to John McMANUS and Andrew BELL of said premes for 31 … WITNESS John SMITH of Cartronmary [possibly Cartronamarkey ] and John CAULFIELD of Castlenugent [Castlenugent, Parish Granard, Barony Ardagh] both in the County of Longford Farmers. Richard NORTH [SEAL]  NOTE: SEE: 1737 Jan 5 ROD: 91-158-63780: [marriage agreement for Abigail JACKSON’s 2nd marriage]. Image 100. Mention of Edward ARMSTRONG. It may be that this Richard NORTH was a brother of Oliver NORTH (1712-1761) - who I do not yet have in the family tree - or of Oliver NORTH (1738-1795). SEE ALSO: 1853 Jul 15. ROD: 1853-19-154 Martin Crofton ANDERSON.

·         1774 Mar 24 ROD: 308-124-203949 Image 71 BTW Edward NORTH of Broomfield Co. Dublin Esq. of the 1st part & James DOWNES of Adamstown Co Wexford 2nd part: Reciting Edward NORTH demises all lands of Knockenra part of the Manor of Adamstown [Parish Adamstown, Barony of Bantry], Co. Wexford  197 acres for 31 years WITNESS: James HEWITT of City of Dublin Esq. & John HEWITT of City of Dublin Esq. Edward NORTH [SEAL]

·         Broomfield (Gort na Giolcaí) , Barony of Coolock, Co. Dublin 98 A, 0 R, 1 P

·         Broomfield (Gort na Giolcaí) , Lusk Civil Parish, Barony of Balrothery East, Co. Dublin 76 A, 0 R, 21 P

·         Broomfield (Gort na Giolcaí) , Clonsilla Civil Parish, Barony of Castleknock, Co. Dublin 26 A, 3 R, 21 P

NOTE: There are several other memorials in the Registry of Deeds regarding Miles NORTH and Edward NORTH of Bloomfield, Dublin, around the early 1800s Vicars prerogative wills records that Edward NORTH of Broomfield's will was proved in 1805.Deed 352 393 238884 of 31 July 1883: Edward NORTH of Broomfield, Dublin, re lands at Adamstown Co Wexford (EN email 7 Sep 2008). There is a photocopy in the National Archives (999/173) of a report of John Patrick Prendergast, barrister-at-law, on the claim of Richard Laurence North, Asheville, North Carolina, and Asheville, South Carolina, under the will dated 29 Aug 1804, of Edward NORTH, Broomfield, Co Dublin, proved in the Prerogative Court, 19 Jan 1805. The report recites the will and outlines the subsequent litigation, 1807–1824, Elizabeth and Patrick Webb and Lydia Falkiner v George Vesey, in King's Bench and Chancery. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine

NOTE: Edward NORTH (1726-1804) is not yet linked in the JACKSON-NORTH family tree, but his dates are a fit for him to be a brother of Oliver NORTH (1712-1761), and would also make sense of why he inherited the properties in this lease. SOURCE: The Norths of Ireland: .Headstone: Here lies the body of Edward North Esq Late of Bloomfield in the County of Dublin who departed this life the 11th of September 1804 aged 78 years. 1792: Dorothy, daughter of Edward North of Rathfarnham Castle married 3rd son of William Newenham of Coolmore (Irish Genealogist)..

  • 1778 May 27 ROD: 321-307-216303. 1778 May 27. BTW Anthony CRUISE of Spiddal [Spiddal , Parish Nobber, Barony Morgallion] Co. Meath Gent of the one part , and Peter DILLON of Mananstown [Mannanstown, Parish Ardcath, Barony Upper Duleek], in the said County Gent of the other part Reciting that whereas the said Anthony CRUISE is under and by virtue of a lease or Demise 26 Apr 1759 by Sir Oliver CROFTON and June 1778 Dame Abigail [née JACKSON]  his wife Intitled to the Lands of Marvillstown [Marvelstown, Parish Kilbeg, Barony Lower Kells, Co.Meath] in the said County of Meath Containing 161a 3r for the term of 31 years from the twenty fifth day of March then last at the yearly rent of 14s 6d sixpence per acre by which said Indented Deed the said Anthony CRUISE for the Considn therein granted transferred to Peter DILLON the said Recited Lease or Demise as aforesd Said Anthony CRUISE made by the said for Oliver CROFTON and Dame Abigail his wife to the said Anthony CRUISE of the said lands of Marvillstown in the said County of Meath and all Benefit and Advantage to be had thereby to hold unto the said Peter DILLON his Exors Admors and Assigns from the Day of the Date of said Indented Deed for and During all the rest residue and remainder of the said Term of thirty one years yet to come and unexpired Subject Nevertheless to the provise or condition of Redemption therein particularly mentioned and to the Several other clauses and covenants therein also contained WITNESS: Richard HENRY of the City of Dublin Esqr and Thomas HACKETT of the said City Gent , Anthony CRUISE [SEAL]

·         1781 Sept 7. ROD: 339-371-229119 Lease to Miles NORTH (1738-1795). [He was Abigail’s 1st cousin, twice removed.] Image 202 Indentured deed between Miles NORTH late of Jackson's Hall in the County of Westmorland and no of the City of Dublin Esq. and Edward NORTH of Bloomfield [sic Broomfield] in Co Dublin Esq. of the other part…. Miles NORTH had levied a fine sur conveyance de droit com ceo [ NOTE : Sur Cognizance De Droit Come Ceo. ... acknowledgment of a former conveyance originally made]; made and provided  unto the said Edward NORTH of all and singular the town and lands  of Knightston otherwise Kingstown otherwise Knitstown [Knightstown, Parish Lusk, Barony Balrothery East], Coleman's Town [Colmanstown, Parish Newcastle, Barony Newcastle] and Ballycle otherwise Ballanclea otherwise Ballinclea [Ballinclea, Parish Kill, Barony Rathdown], Co. Dublin] and the Commons belong to Ballincea situate lying and being in the County of Dublin…[also] lands of Castletownmore otherwise Castletownmoore [Castletownmoor Parish Staholmog, Barony Lower Kells, Co. Meath], Ardlonan [Ardlonan, Parish Kilbeg, Barony Lower Kells], Co. Meath. Drishoge otherwise Dryshook [aka Farranalcock Farranalcock, Parish of Kilbeg, in the Barony of Lower Kells], [Maxwellstown aka Marvelstown] Drakeath [Drakerath, Parish Staholmog, Barony Lower Kells], Raisk otherwise Reiske otherwise Reuske [Reask, Parish Emlagh, Barony Lower Kells], Emlough otherwise Emlogh and Oristown [Oristown, Parish Emlagh, Barony Lower Kells, Co. Meath] situate lying and being in the County of Meath [with all land and appurtenances] …. [also] lands of Lisgrea otherwise Lisgreath otherwise Lisgoath Drumagolan otherwise Drumaghagolan otherwise Drumgola [Drumgola, Parish Urney, Barony Upper Loughtee] , Brooklany otherwise Brackloney otherwise Bracklonagh otherwise Brally [Probably Brackloney, Parish Castlerahan, Barony Castlerahan], Drumsamoney, Ashon otherwise Ashain or Asham otherwise Assondrass & Liskerry [probably Lisgrea (Lios Cré) , Lurgan Civil Parish, Barony of Castlerahan] situate lying and being  in Co. Cavan with all the appurtenances … [also … Town and lands of Lattin otherwise Lattone [Latton, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Dromad otherwise Dromadmoney [Drumod, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne], Meaghan [Maghon, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne], Dromconar otherwise Drumcannon [Drumcanon, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne]otherwise Drumkenan otherwise Shentenagh [probably Shantonagh, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] otherwise Dromkonnan Drenkennan [Drumcunnion, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] situate lying and being in Co Monaghan with the appurtenances etc…. WITNESS: Will CUTHBERT & Thomas ARMSTRONG both of the City of Dublin clerks to Henry BELAGH of the said City Gent. SEE: JACKSONs of ColeraineNOTE: Edward NORTH (1726-1804) is not yet linked in the JACKSON-NORTH family tree, but his dates are a fit for him to be a brother of Oliver NORTH (1712-1761), which would also make sense of why he inherited the properties in this lease. SOURCE: The Norths of Ireland: .Headstone: Here lies the body of Edward North Esq Late of Bloomfield in the County of Dublin who departed this life the 11th of September 1804 aged 78 years. 1792: Dorothy, daughter of Edward North of Rathfarnham Castle married 3rd son of William Newenham of Coolmore (Irish Genealogist: SP email 26 Jun 2008).

SEE: Map of Samuel JACKSONs Holdings in Co. Meath in 1705],

SEE: My Blog post: Jacksons of Cavan.

SEE: Research relating to early JACKSONs in Co. Cavan.

·         1782 Sep 13 Image 530. ROD: 347-352-233220, A Memorial of a deed poll btw Miles NORTH of Jacksons Hall, Westmorland and now of City of Dublin Esq. & Columbus DRAKE of Drakerath [Drakerath, Parish of Staholmog], Co Meath Esq. that it be referred to Gorges LOWTHER of Kilbrew [Kilbrew, probably Parish Kilbrew, Barony Ratoath], Co. Meath Esq. & Matthew CORBALLY of Sydham in sd co. Esq.to value the lands of Drakerath, Co. Meath the estate of Miles NORTH to be paid by Columbus DRAKE as tenant to Miles NORTH for term of 41 years  said Gorges LOWTHER & Matthew CORBALLY

·         1783 Jul 1 ROD: 352-393-238884  Image 164 BTW Edward NORTH of Broomfield Co. Dublin Esqr of the one part , and Sylvester DOWNES of the parish of Adamstown [Parish Adamstown, Barony of Bantry] Co. Wexford Farmer of the other part . Edward North for the Consed therein mentioned did grant to the said Sylvester DOWNES his Exors admors and Assigns All that and those that part of the Town and Lands of Adamstown [Adamstown, Parish Adamstown, Barony of Bantry] called the Church quarter then in the Possession of the said Sylvester DOWNES Containing 101a Plantation Measure in the Manor of Adamstown Co. Wexford aforesaid To hold unto the said Sylvester DOWNES his Exors Admors and Assigns from the first day of May then last for the Term of three hundred years at the yearly rent of £30.15 payable half yearly as therein mentioned WITNESS: Charles TOWNSEND Co. Dublin Goldsmith and Michael VICARY of the Town of Wexford Gent and as to the Execution thereof by the said Sylvester DOWNES is witnessed by the said Michl VICARY and James DOWNES of Adamstown in the County of Wexford Farmer and this Mem is witnessed by the said Michael VICARY and Nathaniel VICARY of Wexford aforesaid Gent Sylvester DOWNES  SEE ALSO: NLI:  MS 24,555/38 (Manuscripts Reading Room) NOTE: Edward NORTH d. 1804. He may have been a brother of Miles NORTH (1738-1795)

  • 1783 Jul 30  ROD 352 394 23885. Image 165. BTW Edward NORTH of Broomfield Co. Dublin Esqr of the one part , and James DOWNES of the Parish of Adamstown [Parish Adamstown, Barony of Bantry] in the County of Wexford Farmer of the other part. Whereby the said Edward NORTH for the Considers did Grant Demise Set and to farm let unto the said James DOWNES his admors and Assigns All that and those the Town and Lands of Knochenagh [?] being part of the Manor of Adamstown then in the possion of the said James DOWNES and his undertenants containing 197a plantation Measure be the same more or less with the Rights Members and appurtenances thereunto belonging Situate lying and being in the Manor of Adamstown and County of Wexford aforesaid To hold unto the said James DOWNES his Exors admors and Assigns from the twenty 17th March then last for the Term of the hundred years at the yearly rent of £55 Sterling payable half yearly WITNESS: Charles TOWNSEND City of Dublin Goldsmith and Michael VICARY of the Town of Wexford Gent . and as to the action thereof by the said James DOWNES is witnessed by the said Michael VICARY and Sylvester DOWNES of Adamstown In the County of Wexford Farmer and this Memr is witnessed by Michlae VICARY and Nathaniel Vicary of the Town of Wexford Gent . James DOWNES [SEAL]

  Broomfield (Gort na Giolcaí) , Barony of Coolock, Co. Dublin 98 A, 0 R, 1 P

  Broomfield (Gort na Giolcaí) , Lusk Civil Parish, Barony of Balrothery East, Co. Dublin 76 A, 0 R, 21 P

  Broomfield (Gort na Giolcaí) , Clonsilla Civil Parish, Barony of Castleknock, Co. Dublin 26 A, 3 R, 21 P

  • 1783 Jul 30 ROD: 352-394-23886. Image 165. BTW Edward NORTH of Broomfield Co. Dublin Esqr of the one part, and Michael DOWNES of the Parish of Adamstown [Parish Adamstown, Barony of Bantry] in the County of Wexford Farmer of the other part , Edward NORTH for the Considn therein mentd did grant unto the said Michael DOWNES his Exors admors & Assigns All that and those the Town and Lands now in his possion part of Church Quarter and part of the Manor of Adamstown Containing 133a … Co. Wexford To hold unto the said Michael DOWNES his Executors Admors and Assigns from the 1st May then last past for the Term of 99 years at the yearly rent of £44 Sterling payable half yearly as therein ment WITNESS Charles TOWNSEND of the City of Dublin Goldsmith and Michael VICARY Town of Wexford Gent

  Broomfield (Gort na Giolcaí) , Barony of Coolock, Co. Dublin 98 A, 0 R, 1 P

  Broomfield (Gort na Giolcaí) , Lusk Civil Parish, Barony of Balrothery East, Co. Dublin 76 A, 0 R, 21 P

  Broomfield (Gort na Giolcaí) , Clonsilla Civil Parish, Barony of Castleknock, Co. Dublin 26 A, 3 R, 21 P

  • 1783 Jul 30 recited in ROD 783 505 530241 AI Version Richard Toulaman NORTH Emla Co Meath Miles NORTH

·         1785 Feb 16 ROD: 363-429-245027 (Same list of deeds as in #229119). Image 243 BTW Miles NORTH of Jackson Hall in the County of Westmoreland in the Kingdom of Great Britain Esqr and Susanna NORTH his wife of the one part and Croasdaile MOLONY [1719-1799] of the City of Dublin Esq of the other part Reciting that the said Miles NORTH had theretofore made an ample and sufficient provision for the said Susanna his wife in case she should survive the said Miles in lieu of any Dower he might be entitled to out of the several Towns Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in the Kingdom of Ireland therein and hereinafter mentioned and out of all other the Towns Land Tenements & Hereditaments whereof the said Miles NORTH was or should be seized And reciting that it was agreed between the said parties the said Miles NORTH and Susanna his wife should on or before the end of the next Hillary Term or as soon after as may conveniently may be levy in due form of Law before the Justices of his Majesties Court of Common pleas in Ireland a fines Sur Conizance De Droit come ce que with proclamation unto the said Croasdaile MOLONY [1719-1799] of the Several Towns Lands Tenemrs Hereditaments and premes therein and hereinafter mentioned , that is to say All that and those the Towns & Land of Knightstown ourse Kingstown orwise Knitstown [Knightstown, Parish Lusk, Barony Balrothery East] Colemanstown [Colmanstown, Parish Newcastle, Barony Newcastle] and Ballyclea orwise Ballanalea orwise Ballinclea [Ballinclea, Parish Kill, Barony Rathdown], and the Commons belonging to Ballylea Situate lying & being in the County of Dublin , and the Towns and Lands of Castletown more wise Castletownmore [Castletownmoor Parish Staholmog, Barony Lower Kells, Co. Meath] Ardlonan [Ardlonan, Parish Kilbeg, Barony Lower Kells] Drishage wise Drishoke or Dryshook [aka Farranalcock Farranalcock, Parish of Kilbeg, in the Barony of Lower Kells] Marvellstown [Marvelstown, Parish Kilbeg, Barony Lower Kells, Co.Meath] Drakerath orwise Drakrath [Drakerath, Parish Staholmog, Barony Lower Kells], Raisk orwise Reiske[Reask, Parish Emlagh, Barony Lower Kells] orwise Reaske orwise Reske Elough orwise Emlogh orwise the Island of Emigh [Emlagh, Parish Staholmog, Barony Lower Kells] & Oristown [Oristown, Parish Emlagh, Barony Lower Kells, Co. Meath] Situate lying & being in the County of Meath and the Towns and Land of Lisgra Lisgroate Drumagolan orwise Drumgola Bracklany orwise orwise Sisgreath orwise wise Drumaghagolen Bracklony orwise Bracklonagh orwise Bratty Ashon orwise Asham orwise Ossham orwise Drumsamony Assondrass and Liskerry Situate and being in the County of Cavan and of the Towns and Lands of Latter orwise Lattone [Latton, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Dromad orwise Dromadmoney [Drumod, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne]Meaghan [Maghon, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Dranconar orwise Drumcannon orwise Drunkenan [Drumcanon, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] otherwise . Shentenagh [possibly Shantonagh, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] orwise Drennan and Drinkenman [Drumcunnion, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Situate lying & being in the County of Monaghan with all and every the rights … to the intent & purpose that all right or claim of Dower of the said Susana whatsoever may and shall be barred Discharged and distroyed , and to be and enure to the several uses in the said Deed mentioned And the said Deed as to the Execution thereof by the said Miles NORTH and Croasdaile MOLONY [1719-1799]. WITNESS:  both of the City of Dublin Gent and the Execution thereof by the said Susana NORTH is Witnessed by the said William KELLY and Thomas GREEN of Grays Inn in the City of London Esqr NOTE: Sur Conizance De Droit come ce que: When someone acknowledges their right to a property, it is called a "fine sur cognizance de droit, come ceo que il ad de son done". This was a common way of transferring property ownership in the past. The person who was giving up the property (called the deforciant) would acknowledge in court that they had already given the property to the new owner (called the cognizee). This was done instead of physically giving the property to the new owner. This type of transfer was called a "fine" and was used instead of a livery of seisin.

·         1785 Mar 5 Image 473 ROD: 362-354-245339 Indentured Deed btw Miles NORTH of Jackson Hall, Westmorland, England of the one part & Fortescue GORMAN of the other part That part of the land of Knightstown [Knightstown, Parish Lusk, Barony Balrothery East] heretofore held by Fortescue GORMAN and also that part of said lands lately held by Edward CONNOR & Mary CONNOR as also the acre belonging to said lands  which are intermixed adjoining to Dr. GOYERs ground and remises then in the possession of  the said Fortescue GORMAN and s undertenants containing by estimation 71 acres in Co. Dublin…. Lives of GORMAN sons… for 4 lives or 40 years… WITNESS: Michael MOLONY. Of City of Dublin Writing Clerk.

·         1785 May 5 Image 175 ROD: 366-330-245346.  Btw Miles NORTH Esq. (of Jacksons Hall, Westmorland, England) & Croasdale MOLONY of the City of Dublin Esq. of the one hand & Carey LILL of the City of Dublin Widow of the Honorable Godfrey LILL late second Justice of his Majesties Court of  Common Pleas in Ireland deceased of the other part. Whereby the said Miles NORTH in consideration of £1,200 & the said Croasdaile MOLONY [1719-1799] in consideration of 5s to them respectively paid by the said Carey LIL & her heirs all that town and lands of Balliclea otherwise Ballanclea [Ballinclea, Parish Kill, Barony Rathdown] & the Commons belonging Ballyclea aforesaid situate in the County of Dublin with appurtenances to hold to the said Carey LILL her heirs and assigns and that the said Croasdale MOLONY is only made a party thereto as being [?] of a certain fine for Conveyance and as Trustee for the said Miles NORTH in a certain indenture dated 17th Jan 1786 and made between Miles NORTH and Susannah his wife of the one part and the said Croasdale MOLONY of the other part of the aforesaid Town and Lands amongst other lands levied by the said Miles NORTH and his wife Susannah as of Hillary term last to the intent that all right of dower of the said Susannah out of the lands said be … to the said Croasdale MOLONY in trust for the sd Miles NORTH and his heirs and also forever… WITNESS: Arthur  M’GUIRE of Dawson Street City of Dublin Esq. & by Godfrey JAMES of City of Dublin attorney at law. SEE: Miles NORTH (1738-1795). This is five years after the death of Sir Oliver CROFTON who was the husband of Abigail JACKSON (d 1763). She was a relation of Miles NORTH

·         1785 Jun 22. ROD: 370-95-247028. Image 55. Btw Miles NORTH of Jackson Hall, Westmorland & Croasdaile MOLONY [1719-1799] of City of Dublin Esq. of 1 pt & Francis CRUISE [1754-1807] of Rathood [Rahood, Parish Castletown, Barony Morgallion], Co. Meath of the other. For  £8,832 12 shillings pd to Miles NORTH &5 shillings sterling to Croasdale MOLONY granted to Thomas CRUISE lands of  Drakerath [Drakerath, Parish Staholmog, Barony Lower Kells] cont 505 acres & 1 rood then in tenancy of Columbus DRAKE Esq. Barony of Kells, Co Meath SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine

·         NOTE: Sharon Oddie Brown Blog post re: Drakerath.

·         1785 Jun 30. ROD: 367-270-247028 Image 494. Btw Miles NORTH of Jackson Hall, Co. Westmorland Esq. of the 1 pt & William WELDON of Gravelmount [in either Castletown, Parish Castletown, Barony Morgallion or in Castletownmoor Parish Staholmog, Barony Lower Kells] Co Meath Esq of the other pt. NORTH demised to WELDON lands of Castletownmore Co Meath cont by estimation 231 acres 2 rods and 5 perches for term of 99 years 6 months for year yearly rent of 216 pounds 9 shillings during the remainder of the said term of 39 years. WITNESS: Croasdaile MOLONY [1719-1799] & Michael MOLONY

  • 1791 May 12 ROD 438 29 181706  AI Version Miles NORTH Castletown Moore Co Meath Image 21 BTW William WALDON Gravelmount [?] in the Parish of Castletown Kilpatrick Barony Morgallion [Castletown, Parish Castletown, Barony Morgallion] Co. Meath Esq of 1 pt and William KNAPPOCK of Castletown Moore [probably Castletown, Parish Castletown, Barony Morgallion]  in the Barony of Rolls [sic] and said Co. farmer of the other part William WALDON for the considerations therein ment and set unto the William  KNAPPOCK all that and those the part of Castleton Moore of then In his possession 114a 3r 20p plant measure be the same more hold all and Singular the sd Demised Premises with their appurs unto the sd William  KNAPPOCK his Heirs Exors admors and as from the first day of Novr then Just for the Term of 31 years & 6 months from thenceforth then next Corning He the sd William KNAPPOCK his Exors actions or as paying the yearly rent of £140 every 1st May and 1st Novr by half yearly payments to the said William WALDON Reserving unto himself his Heirs and assigns to Miles NORTH Esq all Reservations clauses and agreement reserved by under which said William WALDON holds said Lands and premes under [?] NORTH which said Deed of Lease as to the Exon thereof by the sd Wm and William  KNAPPOCK WITNESS: Mathew REILLY of Cormeen in the Coy of Meath Esq Mathew TUITE of Brangunstown in sd Gent and Anthony KNAPPOCK [KEAPOCK?] of Marvelstown [Marvelstown, Parish Kilbeg, Barony Lower Kells, Co.Meath] in said Coy farmer William KEAPOCK ([SEAL]
  • 1795 June Probate: Miles NORTH (1738-1795), of Kirkby Lonsdale, co. Westmoreland, esq., 26 November, 1784. Copyholds in Kirkby Lonsdale called Jackson Hall, to my eldest son Edward Jackson NORTH ; also the Manor of Whittington, co. Lane, and lands there, which were the estates of my uncle Wm. BORDRIGGE, gent., deceased, and also lands there which were the estate of my late father Oliver NORTH, gent., deceased. To my friend Anthony ATKINSON, of Lancaster, gent., my undivided moiety of a house and land at Casterton, co. Westmoreland, which I hold as tenant in common with him. To my said son, all the furniture in my said house called Jackson Hall. Residue of real and personal estate to my said son Edward Jackson NORTH, my sons Rd. Toulmin NORTH and Miles NORTH, and my daughter Mary Anne NORTH. My friend the Rev. Mr. James Cock 20 guineas ; Mrs. HALL, late Miss REMINGTON, daughter of Mr. Reginald REMINGTON., deceased, 100 guineas for a ring ; Mrs. Elizth. NEEDHAM, of Dublin, an annuity of 100 guineas for her life, and to her son Frederick Richard NEEDHAM 100 guineas a year till 21, and then 200 guineas a year for life ; and after his death 100 guineas a year to his children for their joint lives and the life of the survivors or survivor ; all to be paid out of my estates in Ireland. Said Anthony ATKINSON exor. in England, and Croasdaile MOLONY [1719-1799], of Dublin, esq., exor. in Ireland. Witnesses, Jno. Parkinson, Jno. Watkinson, and Robt. LUCAS. Proved at York, June 1795. [exxxix., 494.]  The Northern Genealogist: p 36  
  • 1803 April 16 Marvelstown Richard Toulamin NORTH All That and Those the lands of Marvelstown [Marvelstown, Parish Kilbeg, Barony Lower Kells, Co.Meath] containing 161a 3r be the same more or less as mentioned in a certain grant of the said lands dated the 16 Apr 1803 from Richard Toulmin NORTH to Henry WARNER and which said lands are situate in the Barony of Kells and County of Meath and secondly one undivided fourth part or share of all that and those part of the lands of Castletown otherwise Castletown Bellew [probably Castletown, Parish Castletown, Barony Morgallion] called Shranacarry otherwise Barley Fields containing 50a Irish Plantation Measure be the same more or less with the Mill and Mark House thereon and the appurtenances in the Upper Half Barony of Dundalk and County of Louth Subject to the yearly fee farm rent of £52.18.6 Fifty created by an Indenture of Fee Farm Grant dated the 28 March 1780 Robert SIBTHORPE Thomas READ and to the covenant and conditions therein contained. Recited in ROD: 1906-81-93 AI Version.
  • 1803 Nov [?] ROD: 55-490-371746. Image 253 Richard Taulman North of Jackson's Hall, Kirby Lonsdale, Co Westmoreland, & Rev John O’CONNOR of Castleknock, Co Dublin, D D, NORTH sold to O’CONNOR in consideration of £5,000 the Castle towns and lands of Ardlonan Castle est 206 acres Barony Kells, Co Meath, house etc. including part of Bog of Castletown  Co. Meath [Castletown, Parish Rathmolyon, in the Barony Lower Moyfenrath . SEE: AI Version Richard Toumalin NORTH Meath Ardlonan Castle SOURCE: The Norths of Ireland

·         1806 Apr 22 ROD: 579-392-392676. Image 216. BTW John MAYNE of Ballymorris [possibly Ballymorris, Parish Bray, Barony Rathdown], Co. Wicklow Ireland Esq of the other part and Richard Toulmin NORTH of London Esq of the other part Witnessing that the said John MAYNE for $9,750 Irish Currency to the said Richard Toulmin NORTH due and owing he the said John MAYNE did thereby grant bargain Sell and Release and confirm unto the said Richard Toulmin NORTH and to his heirs assigns All that and those the Town and Lands of Latko otherwise Latton  [Latton, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Dromad otherwise Dromadmoney [Drumod, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Meaghan [Maghon, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne]Drumconnor orwise Duncannon Drenkennan [Drumcunnion, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] orwise renon orwise Shentenagh Shentenagh [probably Shantonagh, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne]  orwise Drenkannan & Drenkennen [Drumcunnion, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] all in Co Monaghan and the decisions rents issues & profits of all and singular the said premes with their appurces and all the Estate right line and Full Trust property profit claim and demand whatever in law and in Equity of the said John MAYNE of in or to the said the and every or any part thereof . To have and to hold the said parted and released premises with their and every of their rights members unto the said Richard Toulmin NORTH his heirs and assigns in the City of London of the full sum of £9.750 forever subject … WITNESS William MARTIN of  Bromhall in the City Solicitor & Henry MADDOCK of London Gent John MAYNE [SEAL]

  • 1822 Oct 7: Included in ROD: 1867-9-163: Image 320:

Description of deed




Counterpart Lease dated 7th day of October 1822 . Richard Toulmon North Esquire


James Bradley Farmer

Castletownmore containing 152 acres 2 roods and 20 perches plantation measure



·         1823 May 5 ROD 783 505 530241 Image 317. BTW Richard Toulmin NORTH of Thurland Castle Co. Lancashire of 1st pt & Christopher Armitage NICHOLSON of Balrath, Co. Meath, Ireland Esq. Of the other pt. For considerations mention NORTH demised to NICHOLSON Town and Lands of Emlough otherwise Emlogh otherwise Emlach otherwise Emla [Emlagh, Parish Staholmog, Barony Lower Kells] in Barony of Kells, Co. Meath now in actual possession of Rt. Hon. Thomas TAYLOR commonly called Earl of Bective by virtue of lease 14 July 1883 made by late Miles NORTH Esq. deceased father of Richard Toulmin NORTH to the late Rt. Hon Thomas Earl of Bective deceased grandfather of the beforenamed Thomas Earl of Bective … WITNESS Susanna REYNOLDS of Harley Street Co. Middlesex  widow & John William BALL of Dominick Street, City of Dublin. NOTE: Wiki entry on Rt. Hon. Thomas Taylor. In terms of family connections: On 4 July 1754, he married Jane Rowley, daughter of Hercules Langford Rowley and his wife Elizabeth Rowley, 1st Viscountess Langford They had four daughters and six sons. Bective died aged 70 and was succeeded in his titles by his oldest son Thomas. His second son Hercules and his third son Robert represented both the same constituency as their father. The fourth son Clotworthy was ennobled in his own right as Baron Langford. His grandson General Sir Richard Taylor enjoyed a distinguished career in the army.

·         1830 Oct 6 recited in 1844 Mar 7 ROD: 1844-11-233. (see beneath under 1844)

·         1830 Oct 30 recited in 1844 Mar 7 ROD: 1844-11-233 (see beneath under 1844)

·         1836

·         1838 Mar 7 ROD: 1838-7-105 Image 72. BTW Richard Toulmin NORTH of Thurland Castle in Lancashire Esq.of the one part and Charles DAVIS of York Street City of Dublin Doctor of Medicine of the other part Whereby the Richard Toulmin NORTH in consideration of £2,800 paid by Charles DAVIS Richard Toulmin NORTH did grant unto Charles DAVIS in the actual possession of Charles DAVIS then being by virtue of a Bargain and sale to him thereof made by the said Richard Toulmin NORTH for the term of one whole year by Indenture in consideration of 5s sterling and by force of the statute for transferring into possession and to his heirs and assigns all that and those the Lands of Knightstown otherwise called Nickstown otherwise Kingstown otherwise Knottstown [Knightstown, Parish Lusk, Barony Balrothery East]  and also NOWLANDs acre the acre belonging to the said Lands intermixed and adjoining the ground then or formerly in the possession of Doctor GAYER containing 111a late Irish plantation Measure or thereabouts by whatsoever name or names the premises or any of them are or ought have been reputed deemed known or taken and then in the possession of the said Richard Toulmin NORTH and his undertenants situate lying and being in the Barony of Nether [Nethercross] Parish of Lusk [NOTE: Parish Lusk now in Balrothery East] and County of Dublin with all the rights members and appurtences thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and so all Tenements ways Waters Water Courses Trees Woods Underwoods Commons profits commodities advantage, Emolument quarries Mines Mineral Royalties and appurtances whatsoever unto the said Lands tenements hereditaments and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining or with them or any of them used occupied possessed or enjoyed and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders yearly and other the rents issues and profits of all and singular the said Lands and premises and every part and parcel thereof and all the estate right title interest use Trust property profit claim challenge and demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of him the said Richard Toulmin NORTH in to or out of the said lands Tenements and premises and every or any part thereof and all deeds Evidences and writings touching and concerning the said lands and premises which he the said Richard Toulmin NORTH had in his Custody possession or power or could come by subject Nevertheless to a lease of part of said lands made and executed by Miles NORTH the father of the said Richard Toulmin NORTH to Fortescue GERMAN of the City of Dublin Esq. Bearing date the 3rd March 1785 To Have and To Hold all and singular the said Lands tenements Hereditaments and premises with their and every of their rights members and appurtances unto the said Charles DAVIS his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Charles DAVIS his heirs and assigns for ever and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever and which said deed contained covenants on the part of the said Richard Toulmin NORTH his heirs Executors and administrators of warranty of title and several other covenants clauses and agreements and on which said Deed is endorsed a Memorandum of the within mentioned lands been accurately stated to be in the parish of Babrothery [Balrothery] in the within and when originally executed instead of in the parish of Lusk [Lusk] the word Lusk has now been written in an erasure on the fifteenth line of the within deed previous to its execution and Reacknowledge out by us where the word Babrothery was originally written and the word Nickstoner [??] otherwise have now been interlined between the Eleventh and Twelfth lines of the within deed in order that the description and situation of the within mentioned Lands be properly stated and  Richard Toulmin NORTH have this day executed a new or further memorial of the within deed agreeable to there facts for the purpose of having the within deed registered and placed on record with the above mention Amendments in the Registry office in the City of Dublin dated this 6 Apr 1838 WITNESS: William H MERRES 30 Craven Street London, solicitor & William Henry JACKSON 29 , Upper Mecklenburgh Street Dublin & George S. DAVIS

·         1844 Mar 7 ROD: 1844-11-233. Image 385. BTW Matthew WILSON the elder of Ashton Hall - Regd 15 in life in the Parish of Gargane and Martha WILSON the younger late of Kildwick but then of Ashton aforesaid Co. of York England Esqrs Trustees named and appointed by a certain Deed of Trust and Conveyance 30th Oct 1830 hereafter referred to of the one part and Andrew HERON of Lurgan Lodge near Virginia, Co. Cavan Ireland of the other part Reciting Indented Deed of Trust and Conveyance bearing dated 6th October 1830 made Between Richard Toulmin NORTH thereof Thurland Castle in the County Palatine of Lancashire of the one part and the said Matthew WILSON the elder and Martha WILSON the younger parties hereto of the other part after writing as therein said Indenture (inter alia - used in legal writing to indicate that the instance, point, example, item etc. being mentioned is just one of a larger group.) Witnessed that for the causes therein to the said Richard Toulmin NORTH did grant unto the said Martha WILSON the elder and Matthew WILSON the younger in their actual possession and to their heirs and assigns all and every the Manor Messuages Wills Cottages Buildings James tenements , closes Inclosures and parcels of Land by the rents heredits and premises and parts and shares thereof whatsoever of him the said Richard Toulmin NORTH situate , inter alia Drumagoolan [Drumagolan, Parish Killinkere, Barony Castlerahan]and Lissonea [Lisgrea, Parish Lurgan, Barony Castlerahan]  in the Barony of Castlerahan Co. Cavan in Ireland To hold to the only proper use of them the said Matthew WILSON the elder the elder and Matthew WILSON the younger their heirs and assigns for ever upon the equal Trusts therein expressed and it was by said Deed declared that it might be lawful for the said Matthew WILSON the elder and Martha WILSON the Younger and the Survivor of them and her exors admors and assigns to demise and lease all or any part of the said Premises to any person or persons for any number of years not exceeding 11 years in possession at the best yearly rent that could be had another for same without fine or forfeit and that said Matthew WILSON the elder and Matthew WILSON the younger still continues the management of the Estate and property of the said Richard Toulmin NORTH and reciting that the Lease of said Lands of Drumgooland as Dunnagoolar and Lisgred situate as aforesaid having lately expired the said Matthew WILSON the elder and Matthew WILSON the younger caused said Land to be surveyed and valued for the purpose of settling the same and the said Andrew Nixon, having proposed to be a tenant to and take a lease of said Lands for 31 years at the annual rent and payable as herein after mentioned and the said Matthew WILSON the elder and Martha WILSON the younger not being authorized to grant a Lease for so long term purposed to execute Lease to the said Andrew NIXON for the term of 11 years pursuant to the power contained in said in part recited Deed which proposal the said Andrew NIXON agreed to alter and after further writing as therein said Indent Witnessed that the said Matthew WILSON the elder and Martha WILSON the younger did demise grant sell and to farm let unto the sd Andrew NIXON his Exors admors and assigns all that and those the said Lands of Drumagoolan use called Drenagoolan in Drumgoland and Lisgred containing559a 22p late Irish plantation measure making 905a 2r  4p present statute measure be the same more or his and the appers and situate lying and being in the Parishes of Lurgan and Kilankare Barony Castlerahan Co.Cavan to hold unto the said Andrew NIXON his heirs admors and assigns from the 1st November 1843 for the term of 11 years at the yearly sum of £461 … WITNESS: Edward HUDSON of 3 Gardners Place and William Henry JACKSON of 29 Upper Mecklighurgh St City of Dublin Sols and Michel Robert O’MALLY of Fairview City of Dublin

·         1853 Jul 15. ROD: 1853-19-154 Barony Carrigallen Co. Leitrim Image 122. ARMSTRONG Dogerry Recites 1800 Mar 24 btw Martin Crofton ARMSTRONG (1827- [of Mohill House, Co. Leitrim] of one pt & Charles O’REILLY of the other part. NOTE: Genealogy Surnames: Lot No. 3. Lands of Doogery, o'wise Doogerybeg, Parish of Cloon, Barony of Carrigallen, Co LEITRIM, Containing 40a. Irish plantation measure, being 64a. 3r. 6p. statute measure, held under Fee-farm grant, 24 March, 1800, from Martin Crofton ARMSTRONG, Esq. … The Lands of Doogerybeg are within 3 miles of Mohill, Co. Leitrim, and 2 miles of Arvagh, Co Cavan.



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